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Misunderstood Expression Of The Week – ‘No hay tu tía’ – there is no aunt

Blogs and social events

We use ‘No hay tu tía’ when we want to say there is no solution or the situation is hopeless. This expression has a very interesting origin when ‘tutía o atutia’ – a medicinal ointment used mainly to treat eyes sickness was introduced during the Arabic times around 1,000 years ago.   The product, whose name comes from the Arabic al-tutiya, was a mix of zinc oxide and other metal salts and was very effective in healing different ophthalmic illnesses.…

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.

Ibiza, ciudad de turistas

B2 (levels 11-14) Noticias de la semana

Esta semana se ha publicado un informe que confirma que Ibiza es la segunda ciudad del mundo que más turistas recibe, solo por detrás de Andorra. Desde que comenzó su popularidad, Ibiza ha visto crecer su turismo sin parar, pero, ¿por qué es tan famosa esta ciudad que su nombre es reconocido en todo el mundo? La fama de Ibiza comienza en los años 60 cuando se convirtió en un refugio de los hippies que la convirtió en lugar de…

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.

Flamenco festival at Sadler’s Wells

Hispanic London

Do you love dancing? Do you love theatre? Are you learning Spanish? If your answers are YES, this blog is for you. If not, I am sure you like enjoying  your free time so also read it. Lately in London they are doing lots of performances and shows related with Spanish speaking countries or Latino culture and we should take advantage of that. Sadler´s Wells, lately, has been showing lots of shows and I believe they were a great success…

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.

Last Friday’s Ocho Apellidos Vascos

Blogs and social events

Hola cine adictos, ¡Gracias otra vez por una gran noche! Great to see everybody enjoyed on Friday and that the cinema was full – we even had to put an extra chair, so it was brilliant to see that many students are eager to learn the language and Spanish culture. Also a big thank you to many new students from level 1 and level 2 that decided that, even they just started, they would like to get involved in our…

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.

Misunderstood expression of the week – the clothes peg is gone

Blogs and social events

I made some research about this expression, but finally nothing appears, so if you ask to Spaniards they will all answer something similar: ‘If you hang out the laundry and the cloth peg falls, the clothes became a mess.’ Then the RAE ‘Royal Spanish Language Academy’ gives another version about its origin: ‘we haven’t found any explanation related to an anecdote in particular, but it belongs to the colloquial and informal Spanish. It can be understood as a metaphor in…

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.