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Let’s Play “PASAPALABRA” (B1 students) – The Letters Game!

Blogs and social events

Vamos a jugar a “PASAPALABRA” donde tienes que conseguir que todas las letras se pongan de color verde contestando correctamente las preguntas. Este juego es para estudiantes del nivel B1 (pero los estudiantes de niveles superiores también pueden jugar). Es un reto que pondrá a prueba tu vocabulario. ¡Vamos! ¡Empieza a jugar! Click here to see how to play

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.

Let’s play a crossword – Vamos a practicar los verbos ‘irregulares’ del indefinido

Blogs and social events

Let’s play “CRUCIGRAMA” where the aim of the game is to complete the crossword . This game is for Levels 3-6 and higher level games will follow. Jugar es muy fácil: Haz clic en el número, lee las frases y completa los huecos con el verbo conjugado (just click the number, read the sentences and fill in the gaps). If you need some help with your indefinido conjugations then please click here. Good luck and let us know how you get on!…

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.

Let’s play a crossword – Vamos a practicar los verbos regulares del indefinido

Blogs and social events

Let’s play “CRUCIGRAMA” where the aim of the game is to complete the crossword . This game is for Levels 3-6 and higher level games will follow. Jugar es muy fácil: Haz clic en el número, lee las frases y completa los huecos con el verbo conjugado (just click the number, read the sentences and fill in the gaps). If you need some help with your indefinido conjugations then please click here. Good luck and let us know how you get on!…

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.

Let’s play “PASAPALABRA” – the letters game!

Blogs and social events

Let’s play “PASAPALABRA” where the aim of the game is to turn all the letters in the wheel to green. This first game is for Level 1 students (but level 2 and 3 students can play too) and next week higher level games will follow. Click here to see how to play     Good luck and let us know how you get on! Ruth

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.


Blogs and social events

For many years I stopped using paper dictionaries as I thought it was a lot faster to just use Google translate or similar. But then a lot of the things would get lost in translation. You can find thousands of examples of this on internet (like Chinglish, for example). So little by little, and without forgetting about the cool tools available on the internet, I went back to using a paper dictionary and here are some of the awesome things…

Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.