With travel restrictions in place and airline schedules disrupted for the foreseeable future, Spain, with its beautiful Mediterranean weather and delicious dishes, feels further than ever before. Even though we can’t travel right now, there is nothing stopping you from bringing the world into your house as you wait for that next big trip. The Spanish tapas restaurant Ibérica have made it their mission to keep Spain close to your heart (and your belly!) during these difficult times – and…
Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.
Please scroll down for the English version. El pasado 8 de marzo se celebró en todo el mundo el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Este día se ha convertido en una fecha clave del movimiento feminista. Millones de mujeres de todos los rincones del mundo salieron a la calle a manifestar contra la violencia y exigir la igualdad de género. En América Latina hubo manifestaciones masivas. En México, miles de mujeres protagonizaron una marcha histórica en la capital y en…
Vamos Let's Learn Spanish. Spanish courses in London. Spanish courses in Valencia.
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